A 45 year old female came with C/O pain in left hip since 4 months

 Feb 22, 2023

 This is an online E logbook to discuss our patients' de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts intending to solve those patients' clinical problems with the collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome. 

Name: Manvitha (intern)

A 45 years old female came with C/O left hip pain since 4 months 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back then she had an alleged history of fall in rain and injured her left hip. The pain subsided on its own During past 4 months she is complaining of dragging type of pain radiating to left hip to left ankle not associated with any tingling sensation.

Swelling present 4 months back which subsided on its own 

No swelling present now 

No tenderness, calf tightness present

Pain aggravates during the walk, no relieving factors

No H/O Fever, joint tenderness, decreased range of movements

Past history 

N/K/C/O HTN, DM, epilepsy, asthma ,TB

Past surgery: undergone casesaerean section 11 years back

Personal history 

occupation house wife 

appetite normal 

diet non veg 

bowel and bladder movements normal

no addictions 

family history insignificant

Menstural history 

age of menarche 13 years 

regular 5/30 day cycle 

General examination 

patient is conscious cooperative coherent well oriented to time place person 

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, pedal edema 


temperature : 98 F

PR: 95 


BP 110/80mmhg 

spo2: 98 at room air 

Systemic examination 

CVS S1S2 heard no cardiac murmurs heard 

RS NAD NVBS heard 

P/A Soft and non tender scaphoid abdomen 

No tenderness 

No palpable mass

Hernial orifices normal

No free fluid

No oragnomegaly

CNS : 

On day of presentation


Spinothalamic tract   

 Crude touch                            Right          Left

Upper limb                             Normal        Normal

Lower limb                             Normal       Normal 


Upper limb                            Normal          Normal 

Lower limb                            Normal          Normal 


Upper limb                            Normal          Normal 

Lower limb                            Normal          Normal 

Posterior column

Fine touch

Upper limb                            Normal          Normal 

Lower limb                            Normal          Normal 


Upper limb                            

Acromian                             7 seconds      6.3 seconds

Olecranon                            5 seconds      5 seconds

Lower end of radius             5.8seconds     6 seconds

Lower limb

Tibial tuberosity

Lower limb                          6.66 seconds      5.8 seconds    

Medical malleous                  5 seconds      5 seconds


Tactile localisation

Upper limb                            Normal          Normal 

Lower limb                            Normal          Normal 


Upper limb                            Normal          Normal 

Lower limb                            Normal          Normal 


Upper limb                            Normal          Normal 


meningeal signs absent

Higher motor functions: conscious, coherent, cooperative, well orinted to time place person


Lower limb weakness

Hip                                Right          Left 

Iliopsoas.                     4+/5.           4+/5

Adductor femoris 
L5S1.                         4+/5.             4+/5

Gluteus medius 
And minimus 
L2L3.                         5/5.                 5/5

Gluteus maximis
L5S1.                         5/5.                 4/5

Thigh and  knee
L4S1 hamatring.        4+/5.              4+/5
L3L4 Quadriceps       4+/5.              4+/5

Leg and ankle
Tibialis anterior         4+/5.              4+/5

Tibialis posterior
L4.                           4+/5.              4+/5

S1 EDB.                  4+/5.               3/5

S1S2.                      5/5.                3/5

L5S1.                      5/5.                  5/5

L5.                          5/5.                 3/5

       B.        T.         S.       K.      A.   P 
Rt.  ++       ++       ++.   +++    ++.  F
Lf   ++.      ++.       ++.   +++.   -      F

Single leg raising fest 
Left limb pain when raised at 75 degree
Right limb normal
Schobers test :18cm on bending 

Provisional diagnosis 

L5S1 left paracentral disc extrusion with left S1 nerve root compression with left extensior hallucinations weakness D6 hemangioma





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