A 55 year old male came with C/O weakness of both upper and lower limb and vomiting since morning

 February 19, 2023

This is an online E logbook to discuss our patients' de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts intending to solve those patients' clinical problems with the collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome. 

Name:Manvitha (intern)

A 55 year old male patient came to causality with 

chief complaint of 

weakness of left upper limbs and lower limbs(since morning )

Episodes of vomitings present


Patient was apparently asymptomatic till morning then he had h/o fall during defecation and developed weakness of left upper and lower limbs there is no HIo loss of consciousness ,

slurring of speech present 

uprolling of eyes Eyes present , no Tongue bite , involuntary defection present , no involuntary micturition , 

history of fever 3 days back - low grade, intermittent, relieved on medication 

Not associated with cough, cold, SOB, burning micturition, 

Vomiting - 2 episodes, projectile, non bilious , contain food and particles, burning micturition present , b/L pedal edema present pitting below knees present 

Past history 

K/C/O Hypertension since 15 days on T telmisatan , and diabetes since 20 years on tab Metformin 500mg + GLIMIPRIDE 80mg 

Personal history 

Occupation : vender 

Appetite normal

Diet non vegetarian

Bowel and bladder movements regular 

Micturition normal 

Habits : alcohol occasional 

Family history insignificant 

General examination

Patient is conscious, cohorent , cooperative 

Pedal edema present grade 2(pitting type)

No pallor, no icterus, no cyanosis, no clubbing, no lymphadenopathy 


Temp : 103

PR: 89bpm

BP: 140/90mmhg

RR: 20cpm

SPO2 : 98 at room air 

GRBS: 148mg/dl

Meningeal signs absent 

Systemic examination 


meningeal signs absent 

Higher motor function : conscious, cohorent , well oriented to time, place , person


Power              Rt.            Lf 

                UL.   4+/5        4+/5

                LL.   4+/5.       4+/5

Tone.       UL.  N                N 

                 LL    N.               N 



       B.        T.         S.       K.      A.   P 

Rt. +++    +++      ++.   +++    ++.    F

Lf  +++.    +++.     ++.   +++.   ++.  F

Sensory : pain present at all 4 limbs 

CVS: S1S2 heard JVP boy raised


P/A : soft, non tender



Chest X-ray 

USG abdomen 

B/L grade 1 RPD changes 


no abnormal changes notes in brain

Provisional diagnosis 

Acute left hemiparesis secondary to acute CVA(ischemic)


INJ NEOMOL 1gm/IV if temp more than 101F




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