Medicine case

  Name :- Lakshmi Manvitha Yechuri 

  Roll no :- 169 

Introduction :

This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs .This e-log book also reflects my patient centered  online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box are welcome.

A 24 yr old male labour by occupation resident of Nalgonda has come to the hospital 

Chief complaints : - 

Fever since 1 week 

Stomach pain since 1 week

And black colored stools since 2 days 

Giddiness since 1 days 

Patient daily routine :- 

   He gets up in the morning at 7:30am and has his breakfast and go to work which is labour at 8:30 am he returns back home at 6pm has his dinner and go to sleep at 10pm 

He had gone to a function and next day he noticed fever.

History of present illness :- 

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week ago , later he then developed high grade fever which is of intermittent type insidious in onset gradually in progression associated with chills during the night time for 2 days , the fever would be moderate during the daytime .

He visited a local RMP and used medication(injection) for 3 days and the fever subsided.

Stomach pain since 1 week

Site entire abdomen 

Onset- insidious 

Gradually in Progression 

Duration 1 week 

Type which is uncomfortable bloating 

Radiating the pain shift to his right chest when he sleeps to his left side 

Aggravating on taking food

 relieving on medication 

The stomach pain is not associated with vomitings or any loose stools or constipation 

H/ O black coloured stools since 2 days 

H/ O giddiness since 1 day

the patient was admitted to our hospital on 11/12/21 

He developed a itchy scaly skin lesions on his left cheek since 1 day 

No H/O headache , vomitings , loose stools , body pains , burning micturition or cough rashes or body pains 

Past History :- 

No similar complaints in the past 

No H/ O  HTN, DM , Asthma , TB , Epilepsy 

Personal History :- 

Diet - mixed 

Appetite - normal 

Sleep - adequate 

Bowel movements - normal , bladder movements 

Addictions no 

No known allergies 

Family history :- 

No significant family history 


Patient was conscious , coherent and cooperative moderately built , he was examined in a well lit room after having taken his consent 

No signs of pallor , icterus , clubbing , cyanosis , lymphadenopathy or oedema 

VITALS :- Temperature -98.3 F 

                  Pulse rate - 98 bpm 

             Respiratory rate - 20 cpm 

                BP -130/80 mm of Hg 

                SpO2 - 98 % at RA 


CVS :- S1, S2 heard 

           No thrills or murmurs noted 

Respiratory system :- BAE + 

Normals vesicular breath sounds heard 

Trachea is central in position 

No wheezing or dyspnoea present 

Per abdominal examination :- 


On Inspection:

Shape of the abdomen - scaphoid 

No visible scars,orifices

On Palpation:

Soft and non tender

No palpable mass

Liver and spleen not palpable

On percussion:

Dull note is seen 

On auscultation:

Bowel sounds heard

Soft , non tender , no evidence of organomegaly 

No palpable masses , free fluid noted 

Bowel sounds heard 

CNS examination :-NAD 

Patient's clinical images :-

Investigations :- 


ECG :-

USG : 


complete urine examination :-

Hemogram :- 

Liver function test : 

Fever chart 

Detection of IgG and IgM antibodies 

Provisional diagnosis :- Dengue fever with thrombocytopenia ( NS + ) 

Treatment :- 


1) IVF NS,RL,DNS- @100 ml/hr.

2) Inj pantop 40 mg IV OD

3) W/F postural hypotension, bleeding manifestations

4) tab doxycycline 100 mg po BD

5) Inj optineuron 1 amp IV OD in 100 ml DNS

6) BP,PR 4th hourly

7)  Temp charting 4th hourly

8)  GRBS 12th hourly.


IVF NS,RL,DNS- @100 ml/hr.

 Inj pantop 40 mg IV OD 

doxycycline 100 mg po BD

 Inj optineuron 1 amp IV OD in 100 ml DNS

 BP,PR 4th hourly

 Temp charting 4th hourly

 GRBS 12th hourly.


IVF NS,RL,DNS- @100 ml/hr.

 Inj pantop 40 mg IV OD 

doxycycline 100 mg po BD

 Inj optineuron 1 amp IV OD in 100 ml DNS

 BP,PR 4th hourly

 Temp charting 4th hourly

 GRBS 12th hourly.


IVF NS,RL,DNS- @100 ml/hr.

 Inj pantop 40 mg IV OD 

doxycycline 100 mg po BD

 Inj optineuron 1 amp IV OD in 100 ml DNS

 BP,PR 4th hourly

 Temp charting 4th hourly

 GRBS 12th hourly.

On 16/12/2021

Dermatology consultation  

 It is a known case of dengue fever with thrombocytopenia complaint of itchy scaly skin lesion on left side of face, beard since 1 day 

no history of application of any topical medication 

no history of similar complaints in the family 

On examination 

multiple well defined erythematosis scaly annular plaques on right cheek beard area tinea faciei 


Lulican cream BD for two weeks


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